Baader 2" Herschel Safety Wedge Solar Prism - Version "P" - HERSCH-PII

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Regular price $970.00 CAD

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We are excited to carry the Baader Cool-Ceramic Safety Herschel Solar Photographic Prism Mark II, available From Baader Planetarium . This advanced instrument ensures safe, full-aperture viewing of the sun without compromising image quality. It’s equipped with an integrated rotation mechanism for polarizing filters, offering an optimal method for adjusting brightness during both visual solar observation and photography in white light.

This unique feature allows for stepless adjustment of brightness in conjunction with the optional Baader Single Polarizing Filter and the included Neutral Density Filter. The design ensures that all necessary filters remain in place within the Herschel prism, simplifying the process when changing eyepieces. Additionally, the package includes the Baader 7.5nm Solar Continuum Filter for exceptionally sharp solar images.

To protect your eyes, the system incorporates additional neutral density filters to manage the intense reflected energy, making it safe for direct observation. The Baader solar diagonals are delivered with a pre-mounted ND 3.0 filter, and the photographic version includes an array of ND filters for selective light attenuation, accommodating various observational and photographic needs.

Key features of this product include its One-sided Phantom Group antireflective coating, a ceramic solar finder, and a 2" ClickLock eyepiece holder for secure and easy adjustments. The integrated rotation mechanism and stepless brightness adjustment, in combination with high-quality filters, ensure a superior viewing experience.

The Baader Cool-Ceramic Safety Herschel Prism stands out for its innovative design, featuring space technology with a staggered light trap and heat-absorbing ceramics, ensuring the prism remains temperature-stable. Its enclosed housing eliminates the risk of glare or fire, enabling safe observation. Additionally, the ClickLock clamp and short overall length enhance usability and compatibility with various accessories.

In your package, you will find the Baader Cool-Ceramic Safety Herschel Solar Photographic Prism Mark II along with the Baader 7.5nm Solar Continuum Filter, a range of Neutral Density Filters, and an IP67-Rated Carry Case. A 2-year limited warranty from the manufacturer ensures your investment is protected.

We are confident that the Baader Cool-Ceramic Safety Herschel Solar Photographic Prism Mark II will enhance your solar observation and photography, offering safe and high-quality experiencesfrom B.aader Planetarium. This development takes the Herschel Wedge into the 21st Century, by rendering the output energy cool and diffused! In all other herschel designs, the waste energy is simply deflected out of the rear face of the prism by an angled mirror. Though quite safe with careful use, the user still had to be aware not to place any object (or body part..) into this output beam (and to prevent any casual onlooker from carelessly staring up into the beam). Thanks to Baader Planetarium, this concern has now been completely removed. In place of the typical output mirror is a coated multi-layered perforated steel screen. The bright light and heat energy are harmlessly diffused. Even after prolonged observations through large refractors, the light trap remains cool. You can even place a hand below the output and no heat can be felt (also, no tempting or hazardous bright output for careless eyes to see).

* Baader now offers two versions of the Herschel Wedge: The lower priced Version-V (visual, sold separately) comes with the pre-installed ND=3.0/1:1000 (required for safe viewing), and a 2" Polarizing Filter. The Version-P (photographic, included in this package) starts with the Version-V and adds 3 additional Baader ND filters (ND1.8/1:64, ND0.9/1:8, ND0.6/1:4 ). The additional ND filters are handy for further dimming the image for white light viewing, or attaching to eyepieces or a T2-15 Reducer, and are particularly useful for imaging.

* All of the fine-optically polished genuine Baader ND filters now incorporate special anti-reflection multi-coatings to further eliminate light scatter and ghosting for maximum image contrast. The result is image quality unachievable with any other ND filter.

Please Note: The Herschel Wedge is only recommended for use with refracting telescopes, NOT Schmidt-Cassegrain, Maksutov, or any other reflecting telescopes. This is a professional-quality white light (not H-Alpha) solar filtration system, whose basic design concept has existed for almost as long as the telescope itself. Like glass or mylar film objective solar filters, it is completely safe if used properly and common sense precautions are always observed.

Similar in length to any 2" diagonal, the Baader Herschel Wedge requires more back-focus than a 1.25" accessory. The path length of the Herschel is 128mm, as measured from it's front face to the top of the 2" eyepiece holder. Since most 2" eyepieces have their field stops well below the main eyepiece body, most telescopes will need less than 128mm of back focus to accommodate the Herschel. Most telescopes with 2" focusers will have no problem providing this amount of back-focus (in-travel). However, some telescopes, such as many TeleVue refractors, provide limited back-focus that may require a shorter path length for some eyepieces. For these scopes the path length of the Herschel may be reduced to 108mm for 1.25" eyepieces by the attachment of a T2-27 adapter and T2-08 1.25" Clicklock eyepiece clamp.

In the Box

  • Alpine Astronomical Baader Cool-Ceramic Safety Herschel Solar Photographic Prism Mark II
  • Baader 7.5nm Solar Continuum Filter
  • 3.0 Neutral Density Filter
  • 1.8 Neutral Density Filter
  • 0.9 Neutral Density Filter
  • 0.6 Neutral Density Filter
  • IP67-Rated Carry Case
  • Limited 2-Year Manufacturer Warranty