Baader Alan Gee Telecompressor MarkII - AGII

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Regular price $399.00 CAD

Product details


Baader Alan Gee Telecompressor MarkII

  • Unique and extremely versatile telecompressor system that delivers the finest wide flat fields your SCT is capable of producing
  • The result is a sharp, wide, flat field, at a fast focal ratio of f/5.9, optical length <50mm
  • Please Note: The close coupling required for the telecompressor to reach focus with binoviewers limits its use to only the Baader/Zeiss and Celestron binoviewers.

A common limitation that plagues owners of most popular Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes is the narrow field size and high magnifications produced by their slow optical system (typically, f/10). Until now, owners of SCTs have lacked a truly versatile and high-quality method of reducing their f/10 (or slower) systems for faster, wider, photographic/CCD and visual fields. (note: the telecompressor is not intended for use with the Meade native f/6.3 SCTs). Using the Alan Gee with 1¼” eyepieces can yield actual fields of view that match or exceed what you could only achieve with expensive 2" eyepieces!

Baader Planetarium developed a truly unique and extremely versatile telecompressor system that delivers the finest wide flat fields your SCT is capable of. The key to the Alan Gee Mark II Telecompressor is its innovative optical and mechanical design. Unlike the commonly available and simple single-purpose solutions, the Alan Gee Telecompressor Mark II has been engineered specifically to work well with SCTs in a wide variety of visual and imaging configurations. The unique design of the Alan Gee Telecompressor positions the lens elements several inches inside the telescope's central baffle tube. The result is a sharp, wide, flat field, at a fast focal ratio of f/5.9.

It even works superbly with Baader Planetarium, Zeiss, and Celestron Binocular Viewers! That's right. The Alan Gee Mark II is designed to function with many popular binocular viewers. At last, you can use your large aperture SCT to produce stunning wide field binocular views.


MANUFACTURER Baader Planetarium
SKU (#) 2454400
WEIGHT (KG) 0.09
AR-COATING multi-coated (MC)
USAGE 8" Schmidt-Cassegrains
OPTICAL DESIGN Field Flattener, Telecompressor